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Start this with cadmus tags filter

What does it do

This concurrently filters your notes based on the tags that are in TMSU, it will be necessary to create tags in TMSU before doing this if the tags have changed.

How Do I use it

After running the command a list of tags that are currently in the tmsu database will be presented, press Enter to select an inital tag.

From here the following will be displayed:

  1. Chosen Tags
  2. Matching Notes
  3. Concurrent Tags

Further tags can be chosen to narrow down the search by pressing t or the currently selected tags can be accepted with Any key.

After accepting the chosen tags with any key, all the files can be symlinked into /tmp, opened in VScode 1 or the find selecor can be started on the matches.

When Would This Be Used

This is great for when you're trying to collect all the knowledge you have on a particular topic when it isn't captured by your directory structure.

(e.g. all notes on #programming may span many different directories)


How does it Work

I don't remember haha.

Basically there is a bash function that finds tags in /TMSU/ and it's recursively called with t until any key is pressed.

The chosen tags are subtracted from the concurrent tags by using comm:

ConcurrentTags="$(comm -13 <(echo "$ChosenTags" | sort) <(echo "$ConcurrentTags" | sort))"

The relevant script is in bin/tags/

  1. This will probably change to the default app when I get time to look at it, just change it to whatever app you like in /bin/tags/