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Start this with cadmus tags create


The tags stuff is a work in progress*, it's a bit rough around the edges.

What does it do

This starts an interactive dialog to extract inline #tags as well as tags in a YAML header and pass them to TMSU.

How Do I use it

After running the command type a menu will be displayed, if there is no pre-existing TMSU database, press n to create one and then re-execute cadmus tags create. From there usually you will want to extract both types of tags so press b, cadmus will sync the tags between your notes and TMSU 1

When Would This Be Used

This needs to be used every time your tags are changed in order to bring tmsu back in sync, otherwise when you look for tags it won't show the correct notes.


How does it Work

Hash tags

Hash tags are easy, just use ripgrep with pcre2:

rg --pcre2 '(?<=\s#)[a-zA-Z]+(?=\s)' -t markdown -o $NOTE_DIR \
        | sed s+:+\ + | sed s/^/tmsu\ tag\ /


This is a little more involved, it's essentially a couple of `for`` loops over the files, I did it in R first but it was too slow so I redid it in NodeJS, checkout these files for the source code:

  • /bin/tags/yaml-parse.js
  • /home/ryan/.cadmus/bin/tags/ListTags.R

Integrating with Vim

I put these lines in my .vimrc to generate a list and filter tags using FZF.vim:

imap <expr> <C-c><C-y> fzf#vim#complete('node ~/bin/printMarkdownTags/yaml-parse.js $HOME/Notes/MD/notes \| sort -u')
imap <expr> <C-c><C-t> fzf#vim#complete('rg --pcre2 "\s#[a-zA-Z-@]+\s" -o --no-filename $HOME/Notes/MD -t md \| sort -u')


This requires, TMSU, nodejs and ripgrep with pcre2.

  1. I played with the idea of avoiding TMSU but it works really well and the Virtual File System is really neat.