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Print Web Title


Start this with cadmus tools webtitle

What does it do

This transforms a URL in the clipboard into a formatted link

How Do I use it

Copy / Paste a URL then type cadmus tools webtitle, the clipboard should be transformed into a formatted link with the right title.

When Would This Be Used

This is great for footnotes.


How does it Work

So essentially this just uses skim and bat to filter/preview the notes, the interactive command is used with ripgrep and piping (that took me forever to figure out!!) to highlight the match in the preview.1 This is the code that achieves it:

        sk -m -i -c 'recoll -b -t -q "ext:md" {}                 |\
                cut -c 8- | sed s/^/realpath\ \"/                     |\
                sed s+\$+\"\ --relative-to\ \"./\"+ | bash'            \
            --bind pgup:preview-page-up,pgdn:preview-page-down    \
            --preview "bat --color=always --line-range :500           \
                    --terminal-width 80 --theme=TwoDark {+}           \
                    --italic-text=always                              \
                    --decorations=always"                             \

  1. This highlighting works with both bat and MDCat, I prefer MDCat but there is a bug with footnotes preventing me from being able to use it right at the moment.